Source Code

Cap and Gown

When a female requires her male sex partner to use both a condom for intercourse and a dental dam for cunnilingus.

I had sex with Rachel but damn she made me wear the cap and gown. No skin to skin.

I practice safer sex so cap and gown is required. So you can fuck anyone you want? Yes!!!

by Eaton Holgoode May 24, 2018

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cum cap

The act of a male, usually one who is effected to a varying degree by some sort of cranial related fetish, ejaculating into an item worn on the head (baseball cap, beanie, helmet, head dress, etc.) and then placing it on either his own or another's head. It can also be used as a form of getting back at a real Richard (dick).

Brandon: "I love given' my girl the ol' cum cap"

John (allergic to peanuts): "Dude I think you have sum kinda' cranial fetish or sumthigngg...(mumbles off)"

Brandon: "Shut up faggot, go eat some peanut butter!"

by sKeletor(relentless112) December 17, 2008

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Snow Caps

When u sleep with a chick with Huge Tits, then proceed to cum on her both her nipples thus resembling mountain Tops

" dude i wanna shoot my spooge on that girls ginormous tits and make those mountains look like they have snow caps "

by F-Eazy April 27, 2010

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v. (past tense) to shoot a person who is disabled

I couldn't take it any more... Timmay just refused to shut up, so I handi-capped his ass.

by havwingswillfly July 12, 2010

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Swag Cap

1. The maximum swag attainable by any person(s) at a given time. Similar to the salary cap placed on sports teams by many professional leagues. If swag cap is surpassed, the surpassing swag star will be swagger jacked by his nearest bro.

2. A sporting, flat billed cap only to be worn by complete douches or bros who have achieved maximum swaggertude.

Bro 1: "Bro, you were swag steppin' so hard today, you must be near the swag cap."
Bro 2: "Yeah bro, I'm definitely nearing maximum swaggertude."

Guy 1: "Aww man, look at that douche over there, trying to rock a swag cap way too hard."
Guy 2: "Nah bro, that's Greg. He's got total swag."

by Schazek August 22, 2011

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caps lock

Something that for some reason bothers nerds on the internet. WOW BIG LETTERS! How does that bother you?

Oh no big letters!!!! hide everyone hide!!! im having a nose bleed please stop!!!! Its the CAPS LOCK monster!!!

by BL1NX August 5, 2007

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happy cap

item found in a wallet to aid baby prevention; condom; leads to happiness

"Bust out the happy cap. I'm in the mood for some lovin'."

by happy capwad May 6, 2007

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