When you have sex with a Gucci Condom in a bed with Gucci bed sheets.
Oh man, Im so stoked for my $600 gucci bang tonight!
A gang of thuglife macho dudes . They are generallylly teens . They smoke, drink and chill better than anyone.
Wow jayan , zak , joe , pottan , madhav , achyu , punk , ps , it is ,alex ,navas, pattu , kunju, ak , kg ,chinnu , party , aks , teddo, shaggy , ramage , suku, thush , dicki and sk are part of the gucci bang
2.Dude that gang's gucci bang
Meaning of the coolest degree or level, indicating that whatever you are referring to is the best of the best; supreme
Fred: Dude I heard you fucked the head cheerleader yesterday! How was it?
Jack: Gucci burger bro.