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Sick Basht

Bastardised, chavvy version of the term 'Bastard'. Pronounciation: 'Bashed'

Nick: Look, ben just ate three packs of pickled onion Monster Munch. Sick Basht!

Stevey Cwshd: Look at Medwyn's hair! Sick Basht!

by Tom Wilsht June 12, 2007

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sick cunt

wombat, (sickest lyricist to ever spit on a beat)

yo that dudes a sick cunt!

by hdkg212 December 20, 2021

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sick em

a saying meaning punch them in the face as hard as you can

GUY 1: sick em dude

GUY 2: you can do it

GUY 3: fight fight fight!!!!

by ihavenolife!@#$% December 6, 2018

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Sick beard

Facial hair that grows when you are sick with the flu or some other malady that prevents you from shaving

I couldn't shave because of this cold so I've grown a sick beard

by TheMan1573 June 1, 2014

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clay sick

a definitive version of "classic" to the extend of saying it the way it sounds, highlighting the fact that it or they was/are an absolute fukkin classic.

brammers: "hyman, wot a fukkin clay sick!"
bridgey: "soup clay sick" (where "soup" is "sup")

by brammers February 22, 2005

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sick puppets

a fun craft activity for men wherein the individual crafts a sock puppet, masturbates into it until completion, then dries to be displayed as a fun and whimsical statue either in the common room or local art galleries.

It's raining out. I think I may make a few sick puppets and kill two birds with one stone.

Wonderful looking sick puppet. Very sturdy! That has got to be at least a weeks build up!

Sick Puppet showing at 8:00pm. Liquor in the front, porker in the rear, $5 admission.

I think the artist was influenced by a lot of bare backing twincest in this siamese sick puppet piece.

by Celviano February 7, 2014

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sick slap

If you have a cold and someone is being annoying cough or sneeze in your hand and precede to smack the annoyance across their face.

you: shut up!

them: no (continuing to be annoying)

you: Sick Slap! (sneeze in hand and slap across their face)

by zawayou April 13, 2011

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