a guy that leads a girl to believe that he's going to have sex with her, then doesnt. Acts like he wants to hook up with a girl, but gives mixed signals. opposite of a cock tease
Jake is such a pussy tease. he's always touching the girls and getting their hopes up
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a very talented person whom i would like to get to know better.
he's a great pussy licker
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a. A guy that gets no pussy.
b. A life free of all pussy.
c. When a guy tries to get pussy but gets turned down all the time, he may just quit trying and become pussy free.
d. When a guy never gets laid, he is considered as being pussy free.
Toms girlfriend gives it to everyone accept Tom so he is now completely pussy free.
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The act of telling a girl over the internet (usually on a social networking site) that she's beautiful and you really like her, when in truth you're just shooting at a chance to get some ass. Mostly performed by men who are bored and could really go for some snatch.
Taylor - "Hey man, what are you doing tonight?"
Robbie - "I don't have much planned... I just got friend requests from a few good looking scene bitches, so it looks like I'm going to be playing pussy for the next few hours."
Taylor - "Sounds good man, I may do the same."
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"Hey, Jimmy, I heard that Denise is a filthy slut!"
Jimmy "Truth Pussy!"
Music too good for a man to have written it. Typically, this type of music is of the R&B, Rap, and K-Pop genres. Pussy is music is for eveeybody except straight cis men.
I only drive to pussy music.
When a female is at an outdoor music festival for 6+ hours and her vagina turns into a musty, sweaty, swampy mess
Guy 1: Dude Ultra Miami was awesome, I slammed this hot as raver girl
Guy 2: Damn bro! How was she!?
Guy 1: Good, but I had to hold my breathe, she had a bad case of festival pussy.
Guy 2: aw I bet that pussy was gnarly!