Source Code

Two Thumbs Up

An unofficial honor given for excellence in any field. 'Two thumbs up' is/are not contained to any profession/achievement, and, therefore, can be awarded for any outstanding accomplishment.

When Ebert & Rober give a movie two thumbs up, does each of them contribute one thumb?

by Diggity Monkeez February 9, 2005

78๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thumbs up whore

When people on youtube make extremely annoying comments saying "Thumbs up if you agree".

Thumbs up if you think im a thumbs up whore!

by DangerzoneX February 27, 2011

356๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž

Megan Fox Thumbs

Nasty, ugly, shorter then usual, almost non-existent thumbs. Megan Fox is not that hot and her nasty thumbs make it worse.

Ted: that chick is hot!
Barney: she's ok. Besides, she has Megan Fox Thumbs... nasty.

by Megan Fox thumbs hater January 23, 2014

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

thumb me up!

To encourage and otherwise exhort a fellow user of the UD to give a "thumbs up" to a word you have just defined/submitted to UD. Being thumbed up can really be a very pleasurable experience, it is said.

Having asked all her friends to click on her definition of figgy, Woofie was satisfied with the thorough thumbing up she received. Some of her friends, however, were thoroughly weary of her constant requests to "Thumb me up!"

by w00fdawg September 7, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mississippi Stink Thumb

A variation of the shocker. However, instead of using the pinky finger for the anus, using the thumb.

I showed her some southern hospitality when I gave her the Mississippi stink thumb.

by The Wobbly H Pirate February 10, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Major Thumb Scale

A rating scale created and used by the internet personality Major "Major" Duncan from the YouTube channel Friends Without Benefits.

The Major Thumb Scale works by holding up to two thumbs "up", "in the middle", or "down".

The scale ranges from "two thumbs down" to "two thumbs up", with "two thumbs down" being the lowest rating, and "two thumbs up" being the highest rating.

The Major Thumb Scale Ratings (least to greatest): "two thumbs down", "one thumb down", "two thumbs in the middle", "one thumb in the middle", "one thumb up", "two thumbs up".

"On the Major Thumb Scale, I rate it one thumb in the middle"

by SewerDweller13 July 24, 2019

Sniff my thumb

When You pick your butt with ur own thumb and it smells bad u ask somone to sniff it for you

Sniff my thumb is when you have an itch in ur butt and it smells really bad and you dicide to pick it with your thumb and then ask somone to sniff it

by Sniffjack February 21, 2017