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To drive aggressively, or carelessly, causing accidents or forcing other drivers to swerve, brake suddenly, or take some type of defensive action. At the same time swearing at them and blaming everyone else for the situation. Passing 20 cars in a lane that everyone knows ends ahead, and saying "that bi*%h cut me off!" or "Oh I know you're gonna let me in there!"

Man john is such a crappy driver, he almost killed us yesterday, but he's allways got a scape-driver to take the blame.

by lostlyricist February 4, 2010

Bull Driver

A Gay Ass Nigga Who Kisses Peoples Asses And Threatens People With The Most Non Threatening Things Ever.

Paul Is A Bull Driver.

by flappyflem23 June 8, 2020

on the driver

On it.

Dave: "Hey uh Mark, bro, can you do that thing, y'know, the one we asked you to do?"
Mark: "On the driver"

by CooperABC December 6, 2018

glorified taxi driver

A another name for airline pilots but not offensive.

Hey airline companies how many glorified taxi drivers do you employ.

by Kuehlstein December 3, 2017

Carriage Driver Hands

This word is neither an insult or compliment. The word exists for the soul purpose of confusion and contemplation usually on the older generation.

Karen wanted her older lover to put his Carriage Driver Hands on her.

by Steezmiester June 21, 2020

Corsa driver

A relatively new driver, who seems to believe they're owed everything in life, who demands respect and gratitude despite their own distasteful ways towards life and others, while driving a vehicle associated with chavs and pedophiles.

God did you see how horrible Steve is now? He's starting to resemble a Corsa driver

by DerrrrekBwrannnin December 2, 2023

Aucostic Retarded Driver

An worse version of Idiot drivers, those fucking retarded individuals will cut your car off without a fucking turn signal, and turn it up midway while merging into your lane, and if you even dare to honk at them, they will flip you off, ct like the victim and threaten to call the cops, 99% of encounters with those aucostic people lacking 10 chromosomes will result in a road rage leaving you absolutely pissed off because of how annoying, fucked up and retarded those type of people are.

Anyone could be this type of person, but most commonly, adult woman drivers with short hair with a baby ass voice, (Karens), which lack a father figure and proper attention in their childhood

This person is a Aucostic Retarded Driver and shouldn't have their driver's license.

by Lyxtq October 6, 2024