When you’re acting like a fucking superstar
“Is that Carli?”
“No you fucking mcasshole, that’s Caroline Rose, the aspiring actress, singer AND model.”
A girl who is always there who is the most amazing beauty and is superior to most girls. she exceeds at school and is so hot boys fight at the sight of her. she's in her own beautiful world but will pull her head out of the clouds at the drop of a hat she is elegant and unique and if you have an Amelia in your life consider yourself the luckiest person alive
Boy one: Amelia rose will is so cute
Boy two: no duh how could anyone not like her
Used when you don't have anything else to say from this dictionary.
Man, is that the rose's water or what?
When you get a boner (literal or figurative) for someone, then find out something really disappointing about them and the (literal or figurative) boner stops dead in its tracks.
"Man, that girl was so hot, but I found out she chews with her mouth open. I rose and froze."
Nuit Rose is when the PIMO goes to his lover’s home and gets spleighed because his wife & children are at her parents place for the night.
She met with Trader Joe for a Nuit Rose at her chalet.
Emily Rose is known as the class goofball and is very popular and smart. When it comes to sweets she is all in
Emily Rose is so funny!
Waste of space and always eats food and fat
Joseph: who is that
Brady Rose: hahah it’s me
Joseph: run