Source Code

in da bowl

When your ass slips and falls into the toliet bowl.

I Had to take a shit, and my ass sliped and I fell in da bowl.

by Anyonums August 13, 2007

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The Tecmo Bowl

A sex act that involves banging to near completion in a version of "doggystyle" that involves sitting on a toilet. Just prior to climax, the guy inserts the "Nintendo thumb" of his left hand into his lady friend's butthole while simultaniously rubbing the "A/B thumb" of his right hand over her clitoris and begins to tap in a erratic and frantic manner; much like one would do while running any play involving Bo Jackson in Nintendo's "Tecmo Bowl." As the man cums, he may or may not choose to utter the following phrase: "Bo knows skanky bathroom sex!"

Dude 1: "Hey did you hear that Chris gave that girl from accounting 'The Tecmo Bowl' at the company party last weekend?"

Dude 2: "That doesn't surprise me... she seems like the type of skank that'd be into that kind of thing."

Dude 1: "Apparently Chris' thumbs are still numb!"

by Mopper January 24, 2011

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A very small bowl of weed, typically loaded by a stingy smoker.

"Damn bro I barely got a hit, I'm tired of smoking tarry-bowls"

by topsidemunchies August 25, 2018

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fucktard bowl

A bowl game for fucktards who suck at football

Man I can't believe we're playing the potheads in the Fucktard bowl

by Hunter126 December 15, 2013

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cheese bowl

A bowl packed with with only the orange hairs of a nug of weed, often being a long and strenuous task.

person 1: dude i just spent a week picking enough hairs to make a cheese bowl
person 2: thats sounds like a huge waste of time

by milkycord May 17, 2018

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redneck bowling

running on ice and slideing into random objects to knock them down

i was redneck bowling last night

by Tater October 27, 2014

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bowling alley

A place where you can jack off pretty decent food....usually better than most fast food resturants.

12 year old fatso: Yeah I'm going to McDonalds to eat a Big Mac with my friends
Normal person: Come on faggot... the new bowling alley had just opened and their burgers just rock

by The Prepster August 29, 2007

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