When a guy gets a call from his girlfriend while she is engaging in a sexual act with another man.
Boyfriend: "Hey, whatsup babe?"
Girlfriend: "Gluck, Gluck, Gluck..."
Boyfriend: "Oh, shoot I just got Cuck Called."
A social media post that screeching cucks flock to in droves to. They then proceed to babble about some left wing retarded bullshit and claim they are offended or that the OP is a racist trumpsucker.
John: Did you see my cuck call on Facebook?
Jason: hahahaha the cucks were flying in to screech their lungs out!! Lololol
Someone who plays any of the soulsborne games. (Dark souls , bloodborne, elden ring, etc)
“Hey jimmy wanna play basketball ? “
“Sorry I can’t , I’m a cuck and need to beat the fire giant”
2011 f150 eco boost owner who can’t pull a trailer worth a fuck
Damn man Ryan is such a cuck he can barley pull a single axle trailer
One who accepts a three-way victory
- He could have actually won that game of diplomacy, but he accepted a three-way victory.
- What a cuck!
DecipherTheCipher is a cuckold, we all know it.
Person 1: Man, Decipher really enjoys watching Hammer and Pala talk
Person 2: Yeah, she's such a cuck!