Source Code

Move away in class

When the teacher tells yous both to separate to different seats in the same area.

Oh no Move away in class you wigger

by fjiohofjwp November 9, 2021

Go away 10k

An insurance company will pay you a 'go away 10k' for a car accident no questions asked in order to sign away your claims .

Got rear ended last night.

Should get your go away 10k.

by Shuaman June 2, 2020

Kentucky Give-away

The "Kentucky Give-away" is when one man ejaculaes into a female and then shortlly after convinces her into having sex with his buddy as well & then when the baby comes assures them that, that's his buddy's baby.

The "Kentucky Give-away" is when one man ejaculaes into a female and then shortlly after convinces her into having sex with his buddy as well & then when the baby comes assures them that, that's his buddy's baby.

by Big Slamm May 13, 2020

Tapping away

If you fancy a doll and you and like shift or riding her you are tapping away

Lad are you tapping away at her?

by Getherbucked1 March 12, 2020

Tapping away

If you are shift or riding a doll you are tapping away

Donegal slag

Lad are you tapping away at her

by Getherbucked1 March 12, 2020

The stoplight look away

When you come to a stoplight and casually glance over to the car next to you and see the driver picking his nose. He notices that you’ve caught him knuckle deep. So you both look away and feel awkward until the light turns green and you book it, never to see him again.

The stoplight look away is something that happens to everyone but no one talks about it

by Buttermybizkit May 25, 2021

Thread a needle from 10' away

When someone has such profuse diarrhea, a shotgun blast from the ass could thread a needle 10' away

Oh man, Jenny is shitting like a tiger! If she wanted too, she could thread a needle from 10' away!

by bshoey006 June 29, 2022