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Tower Heroes (Roblox)

Being overworked and underpaid

Tower Heroes (Roblox) is what being overworked and underpaid is

-neko_oniwisp 2022

by MCJ _ March 12, 2022

Pickle Jar Hero

The person that every man wants to be. Every man fights over the opportunity. They are the one who opens the pickle Jar when no one else can.

Person 1: Why is Larry so happy today?
Person 2: He opened the pickle jar yesterday and became the pickle jar hero.

by Ijustateyourmomscoochie March 26, 2020

Winged Hero: Hawks!

Winged Hero: Hawks! A man too fast for his own good. Has many babybirds around the world, but not enough feathers for all of them. He also is wondering who songbird is and how they know his favorite song. . .and why do people want to 'End Hawks'? Or why do people think he likes spicy food, like Hot Wings?

"Winged Hero: Hawks! Age twenty-two. At eighteen he started his own agency, and by the second half of that year he was already in the top ten! The first pro in history to crack it before age twenty! Given that speed and relative youth, people say that he's moving too fast. It's no surprise he was ranked third in the last chart."

by Totally Not Hawks September 22, 2020

heavy bag hero

A heavy bag hero is someone who doesn’t train in a boxing gym but hits a heavy bag, giving them the false identity of a boxer.

Jimmy- “Shawn said he wants to spar with you”
John- “Shawn? Man that kid don’t box he’s a heavy bag hero”
Jimmy - “ yeah you’re right he came to my gym once and cried after sparring 🤣”

by Ryantooshifty April 23, 2022

My Hero Academia

A superhero/school manga with an anime adaptation. It’s not bad at all as long as the crybaby protagonist isn’t too off-putting to you. If you like this manga/show, I do not recommend getting involved with the notably toxic fandom, which has a tendency to send death threats to those who disagree with their preferred ships. Even the manga’s author has been targeted for this by the crazier fans.

“Have you watched My Hero Academia?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty good, but I made the mistake of looking it up on Twitter. Never again…”

by Jonathan C. Fruitloop III June 25, 2022

5👍 3👎

random hero

jockey of nob, lazy motherfucker. wouldn't fuck willans mom

that guy is a random hero

by bitchbite October 8, 2003

7👍 61👎

hero omori plush

a plush we need and demand the hero omori plush must be protected at all costs aswell

Person 1 : damm i really could use a hero omori plush
Person 2 : sadly it doesnt exist but hey! If we get to make it we finally could have a hero omori plush!

by Hero!!! July 22, 2022

5👍 1👎