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Funky Boots

Slang forweed

The Tripod had a great time with them funky boots.

by Tripod por Vida October 4, 2008

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Puss in boots

A character from puss in boots

Somone:โ€I was watching puss in boots today!โ€
Someone:that show sucks

by No just nooo January 12, 2021

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Australian colloquial term:

A mild form of corporal punishment wherein a child or subordinate is kicked in the buttocks.

-Often used as an empty threat or possible solution to discipline unruly behaviour.

"If you don't go and do your chores you'll get a boot-in-the-arse."

"I am sick of the neighbourhood youths graffiting on my wall, I think a boot-in-the-arse and a good talking to would set them straight."

by Joey jjs March 30, 2016

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barbarian boots

Those brown boots that women wear with the laces and the furry top, sometimes with pom-poms on the laces. The heels of these boots are flush with the toe (not a high heel). Called so because it looks like a female warrior from Age of Conan.

Ever since Age of Conan came out for the PC, all the pretty girls in Wal*Mart are wearing these barbarian boots on their feet.

You look cute in barbarian boots. You could be Xena or Conan's wife.

by Wm Wallace The Freedom Fighter December 28, 2009

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boot doom

Sexually transmitted disease confined to rugby groupies who also have foot fetishes.

Groupie has sex with rugby players foot postgame, prior to any kind of showering or cleansing activity.

"Looks like Moira loves those Rugby players a little too much! I hear she got the boot doom!"

by curry monster November 5, 2007

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sweet boots

a wickedly awesome, way ass kicking, chick with sick kicks

That chick is hella sweet boots

by S and T November 8, 2004

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Boot Error

When you put your boots or shoes on the wrong feet

As i was getting ready to leave this morning i had a major Boot Error as i put my left shoe on my right foot

by ThrasMetalMan1 February 4, 2011

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