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vacation bored

When you love your amazing vacation but miss your friends

Hi girls! My vacation is amazong! But texting you because I’m vacation bored ha ha!

by kristenlovested May 26, 2023

smooth bore

An adult without any teeth. Usually great at providing head.

Buster's new boyfriend is a smooth bore. Not a tooth in his head. He gives the best gummies.

by sncf69 May 4, 2022

bedroom bored

sexually frustrated or getting bored of sex with a person

im so bedroom bored i will tap that

by Kaptain Kopperburg November 2, 2010

If you’re bored you can come to my room

Jimin’s way of asking for a juicy night with his boyfriend Jungkook.

Jimin: (gives Jungkook the “Jungkook-ssi~~~ I’m needyyy for the jungcock” look)

Jungkook: “We aren’t sharing a room, Jimin-ssi”

Jimin: “If you’re bored you can come to my room.”

by ausgotnojams August 14, 2018

Good Boring

“Good Boring” or “GB”. An (online) greeting first used by @ape6743. The ape mentioned is part of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) a huge NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain.

One might say on Twitter: “Good Boring” of “GB

by cryptorinus September 16, 2021

Football bore

A football fan who follows you to the train station and won't shut up even though you clearly don't want to hear their opinion.

This football bore is talking bollocks.

by Middle aged rebel December 9, 2023


the feeling that you feel when you are the first to finish a test and have to wait for everyone else to finish.

im feeling very bored in school. i want to go home

by WhyAreWeStillHere? May 24, 2022