"Coochie Man" also knows as Sam, is a girl who steals your coochie and chants "poosie tight poosie clean poosie fresh" in cursive.
"Have you head of coochie man?"
"The one who stayed on a zoom call with Dallas (mum remix) till 4am?"
He different
News reporter: How do you expect to not go to jail because of murder?
Coochie man: Because I'm different 🥶
The uncropped strawberry patch also know as the female sweet spot. It takes a dickwad to untie a coochy-knot.
MadDawg untied Scrappys Coochy-knot with his Dickwad.
A superior male with godly pussy power(usually there names are David Herrera)
He is quantum coochie
Coochie slave is basically just a simp with a girlfriend
Drew is a coochie slave for her
RHEC- raise hell eat cornbread
BBB-big booty bitches
Those big ass bitches that are ugly dont they go to coochie springs aka cold springs