Like a swan dive but with an added backflip, called this because pigs are the farthest animal from swans and there is a high probability for a belly flop
Bro that guy just flopped hard,
yea bro he tried to do a swine dive
A creative way of telling someone to kill themselves!
If you scuba dive the titanic you'll die instantly due to being crushed by the water pressure.
Person 1: *Does something annoying or stupid*
Person 2: What the fuck did you do that for. Scuba dive the Titanic, idiot!
A perfectly executed face first dive into a soft bed
It's been a long day and I'm tired. I'm going home and doing an Olympic gold medal nose dive into the bed!
When a "crack addict" takes a shit, and is out of crack so he/she reaches into the toilet and picks apart her/his feces in order to get the morsels of leftover crack and re-use them.
Guy 1: "Yo where's Matty? I got some dope shit he should try"
Guy 2: "Aw fuck man you just missed him, he went to the bathroom. Probably in there getting ready to do the dive"
1.The act of digging in one's ass, with blatant disregard to other's awareness in group situations or public places.
2. When your at a bar and the bartender hollers LAST CALL and you've been striking out all night so you order 3 shots of tequila and just take what you can get.
3.The act of plowing a very UNattractive "person" in their dirty anus!!
While at the weekly corporate meeting I looked around the room in boredom, which quickly turned into disgust as I noticed Kevin was Dumpster Diving
Searching for a past favorite pornographic video by sifting through low quality porn
*Thinking to self*: "Oohh that one video was awesome. Can't remember the title though... Guess I'll have to do some dumpster diving"