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Emotional Support Baseball

Baseball games that people turn on when something stressful or bad is happening. Divorce? Funeral? Just feeling sad? Baseball is waiting for you.

Barney was dealing with a breakup, so he turned on emotional support Baseball to help him cope.

by WeUsedToPlayHouse March 17, 2023

Emotional Motion Sickness

When one experiences such a large sway of mood swings they feel as if they are getting motion sickness. I.e. going from happy to sad to conflicted to laughing in a matter of seconds repeatedly for an elongated about of time.

“I found out that my dog went missing, and I felt like I was getting emotional motion sickness.”

by thelazyone14197 December 28, 2023

Emotional Vampire

An individual that sucks the life out of your emotionally.

She is toxic, in her own misery she will suck the life out of you, she is an emotional vampire.

by Creativelingo January 18, 2021

Emotional spicyness

A mood in which you're feeling spicy.

im feeling really emotionally spicy right now. There's so much emotional spicyness, I cant even.

by Hambergerlar July 31, 2018

Emotional support duck

An inside joke that you make with someone that you really care about

Hey, I’m now your emotional support duck.


by Idek anymore tbh November 13, 2019

emotional outlet

penis pussy penis

i like penis pussy penis emotional outlet

by THUGGADOLL November 17, 2020

emotional backfat

Awkward, unattractive, or unhealthy emotional or mental traits mostly invisible to the person possessing them but evident from to others is in their vicinity from certain angles. Neither necessarily unattractive nor inherently desirable.

“Sure, I’ve got some emotional backfat; it gives me an extra layer of protection against the icy chill of your critiques.”

by Ttrp2cn2b January 24, 2023