Failing but with such levels of failure. It is spelt with a Q.
(Still pronounced fail)
You fail so hard, you fail with a Q. You Qail
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phrase often used by nerdy kids to describe bad things
me using epic fail is an epic fail
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The victim of a future (possibly fatal) fail that everyone but the victim sees coming a from mile away.
Rednecks are the largest known colony of fail snails.
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when u are close to beating something, usually a video game and then die at the last possible moment
we had nearly solved world hunger, then donald trump came in and mefewe failed us
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Worse than an epic fail.
Septic fail comes from a mix of Epic Fail and Septic Tank.
(a septic tank is used to store/dispose of human waste. in place of a sewer)
Septic Fail is to be used in extreme cases only.
terminology may vary,
(in fail order)
epic fail
septic fail
super septic fail
nasty septic fail
super nasty septic fail
epic septic fail
and finally
super epic, mega septic stink-nasty fail
degrees of fail...
1.)(Score goal on own team)=fail
2.) (Trip on own foot, fall and fit face on floor)= epic fail
3.) (score goal on own team then trip on own foot and hit face on floor, stand up and knock your gym teacher unconscious)=Septic fail
3.) (Accidentally back truck off of a cliff, land truck on grandmother)=Septic Fail
2.) (When playing tic-tac-toe against oneself, lose)=Epic Fail
3.) (When parallel parking, hit the car in front of you and the car behind you several times....get out...your car explodes)=E P I C F A I L
3.) (Attempt suicide (DON'T DO IT), fail at suicide,be sentenced to death for attempted murder (to oneself), when in prison get shanked because you would not let the midget have his hat back, recover, for your last meal, die from food poisoning before getting the electric chair. (+1 if they still electrify you, +5 if they try to save you from dying of food poisoning) )=
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Stating an opinion and then presenting evidence to backup your opinion, but that evidence actually contradicts, doesn't support, or shows that your opinion is too broad. After political pundit Taegan Goddard, who often states opinions that are not backed by the sources he uses to form the opinions.
Pundit: President Obama admitted that Democrats didn't compromise and seek middle ground with Republicans. As evidence, said Obama: "Part of my promise to the American people when I was elected was to maintain the kind of tone that says we can disagree without being disagreeable. And I think over the course of two years, there have been times where I've slipped on that commitment."
Obama's statement doesn't support the pundit's opinion. Taegan Fail.
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a way fail that I personaly created meaning: A fail so huge that they would have rewrite the bible because you failed so badly!
Guy 1: I just got my ass beat by a girl!
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