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flipping peas

When someone does something playful, silly, and or partially inappropriate in its setting.

"Oh she was just flipping peas. She didn't really mean to hurt your feelings!"

"Class? Class! Shut up! I need your attention! I'm not flipping peas here!"

by Shatuga May 8, 2009

2👍 1👎

Flip The Asian

Flip The Asian is a game played at most parties, where so you grab an Asian between the age of 10 and 50 and flip them by their hands or feet. The Asian must not know you are flipping them and it cannot be gentle.

Kevin played Flip The Asian at Chin Ho's Party

by jkdjfiue884 March 7, 2017


The act of taking a combination of Modafinil and LSD for cognitive benefits and then training deep neural networks (a type of artificial intelligence)

"George's been acting strange all day, and he's taught the computer to generate hyper-realistic images of anime cat waifus" "Oh, that's just because George is Gwern-flipping today."

by funnyDefMan January 12, 2021

Rubius flip

When you do acid and a gram of caffeine at the same time. It is awful. Pure disphoria with intense stomach pain. However, it is funny.

I just did a rubius flip with my grandparents, they both died😂動學竹木

by ElrubiusWTF February 25, 2019

Dimension Flip

Dimension flipping is when a super strong minded individual smokes (DMT) while they're peaking on (LSD). This shit ain't for no beginners, this astounding experienced is reserved for professional (Psychonauts).

David: Can you believe what Steve did last night while we were tripping?

Jake: Nah man, I can't believe he actually did a (dimension flip), that's insane!

by Hippieguy December 11, 2018

flip a disc

The clean version of suck a dick

Ten year old: You're such a fricking hecker!
Other ten year old: Go flip a disc!
*Everyone gasps

by thesmolnugget December 12, 2018

Flip the Trip

To let it all hang out. To be totally fly. Made famous by Shock G in Dowutchyalike.

Yo, tonight we gonna flip the trip!

by scootersteve October 23, 2010