When you eat so much pizza that you become physically sick.
Did you hear about Jack? He got the pizza flu.
An instance where you or someone you know gets wasted and hooks up with a fatty without their knowing, and can't seem to get rid of them
Man 1: Dude, who's this girl that keeps calling you?
Man 2: Don't worry about it; I just got drunk last night and now I've got the swine flu.
‘catching the swine flu’ to be used as a way to make fun of a friend for hooking up with an overweight woman
“Chris caught the swine flu last night.”
A large amount of cops in yours or someones yard. If someone has the "swine flu" they have a lot of police officers at their place.
playing off of the reference to police as pigs
Dont go over to Teds place, he has a bad case of "swine flu" at his door step.
Verb: A way to get out of writing a midterm and have the marks deferred to your final.
Guy 1: Dude, I have not yet opened my chem book.
Guy 2: Just swine flu that shit.
Flu baby: When a Women gets pregnant while having The Flu.
Jenny called in Sick today, She must be pregnant with a Flu baby after A week of being sick with flu and Fucking her Husband .
Similar to man-flu, when a person has illness symptoms because of the amount they vape, but blame it on a flu/cold.
Brian: Ugh I have such a sore throat from this cold! *vapes*
Tim: Nah youve just got vape flu