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hairy gorilla #6122

hairy gorrila #6122 is the god of rap

"have you heard of hairy gorilla #6122? hes the god of rap!!!"

by hairy gorilla November 5, 2021

Hairy Dad Game

Games in which a retired hairy army vet would play. Such as XCom, Mordhau, Arma, Ect.

Arma 3 is such a hairy dad game.

by Copium115 July 23, 2021

Hairy Nip Bitch

That bitch that always wears his shirt off, otherwise known as Chris Easton

"Dood did you see that hairy nip bitch!?"
"Yea, shut up at least he has an Ill chest tatt

by Megamoneymike January 20, 2011

Yellow Hairy Pigs

A fine Chinese local pig breed with excellent meat quality.

Tan Shanshan's fans are particularly fond of eating yellow hairy pigs

by Tributary2549 July 9, 2022

Nans hairy puebes

When you are so hairy like ya nans hairy puebes

Bro you are soo hairy

Like what?

Ya nans hairy puebes

by Clappedmatt December 31, 2021

Hairy Barry Kuta

A chick who marries a dude and both mutually and definitively agree that all noodles are served better with hair mixed into it the bowl. (All types and color of hair are valid).

Brian: Man that hairy barry kuta from Noodles and Company tasted like straight dung.

Red: It was so not fire.

by Chuck Norris Step Brother May 24, 2018

hairy clam roll

Unshaved dirty pussy

That bitch has a Nasty hairy clam roll

by lucky kehd July 13, 2015