Source Code

hannah bakering

To commit suicide via slitting of the wrists.

Person 1: "You work tomorrow bro?"
Person 2: "Nah, I'm Hannah Bakering this shit."

by sweepyoface June 12, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Moore

A beautiful girl that has many friends and likes to hang out with her friends and likes to talk to guys as long as they are nice to her.

Wow dude I want to go hang out with Hannah Moore cause she is cute and awesome!

by mattysplatty July 2, 2011

78๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

The new image of the avril lavigne poser

hannah montana fan: Lyke 0mGzz Hav3 cHu s33N HaNN@ah's nU Vid3o?

non-hannah fan: if you're talking about the one where's she dressed like a wannabe poser and finally got rid of her weave then yeah I've seen it

hannah montana fan: O: waT3v3r iMM@ buY H3r cD

by pink_is_metal January 4, 2008

276๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

is a horribly produced show that has a retarded plot and even worse actors. She has a fake accent that wouldn't ever pass as a real one. They overuse the laughtrack way too much and all her songs are about herself.(just like fergie!)

girl: do you think hannah montana is a good actor?

every one in room: HELL NO!

by jimmy and timmy June 23, 2007

2215๐Ÿ‘ 675๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

A very poorly made show. If you want to see a bratty little untalented snob act like a 2 year old this is the show for you.

Miley: omg like omg like omg look me sing! HANNAH MONTANA! Weeeeeeeeeeee! La, la!

by verycoolclips November 11, 2006

3259๐Ÿ‘ 1011๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana, a Disney Channel series, is awful. If you want to watch some obnoxious, untalented, irritating brat attempt to act and sing, you should crawl out into the middle of a Seattle street at rush hour. Seriously. She sucks.

Hannah Montana's "actress", Miley Cyrus, only has a leading role on TV because of her mullet-haired dad, Achy Breaky Heart singer, Billy Ray Cyrus. He's worse than she is, and those awful Tennessee accents are the icing on the cake. She has no talent. At all.

by Jada Skye October 28, 2006

3939๐Ÿ‘ 1240๐Ÿ‘Ž

hannah montana

miley cyrus's twin. their father, billy ray cyrus, had twins and since he did't want to have to pay for two different kids, he forced them to pretend to be the same person. they now have a disney channel show in which hannah screeches on and on about how she wants to do the right thing. in other words, a really, really stupid tv show.

Hannah Montana: "I'm Hannah Montana!!!"
Miley Cyrus: "No you're not! I am!"
Billy Ray Cyrus: "You're both Hannah Montana! Now lets make a show on TV about it!"
Hannah and Miley: "Yay!!!"

by emu_is_like_a_llama February 8, 2008

292๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž