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Bumper cars

When to guys bump there dicks together until one busts

I didn’t know Nathan was gay until I saw him playing bumper cars with me dad

by Jeff5362874 October 7, 2020

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car krumping

The act of krumping to a song in your car, mainly done from the torso up.

I was mad car krumping to that new Black Eyed Peas song this morning.

by Imma B. January 26, 2010

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Car seggs

Usually in rocket league (or real life for professionals); the act of putting one’s exhaust pipe in another’s rear bumper.

Instead of driving to work, I had car seggs. Yes, 3 people died but it was worth it.

by January 15, 2021

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car vertigo

When you're sitting at a stop light and a truck/car next to you rolls back a little, you immediately STOMP on the brake even though you're not moving. Your brain thought you were moving forward because the other vehicle was moving back.

In traffic, a vehicle next to you moves backwards but really it appears you are moving forward so you freak out and brake even harder so you don't hit the car in front of you. You have experienced car vertigo!

by ladeebug June 2, 2007

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Car Convo

When u pull up next to a friend on the road and start chating from window to window

I had a car convo with Max today, I almost crashed.

by Will Sherman November 15, 2007

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car dancer

a person who create there own pimp choreography and peforms it all while sitting down and driving in the car.

Last night, on the freeway, I was getting so into the music you would almost think i was a pro car dancer.

by monkeyball12312 January 17, 2009

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A vehicular object used for transportation of people and goods, typically to Taco Bell.

Although generally burnt orange in appearance, various car-j’s have existed and manifest into existence routinely.

Famous drivers of car-js include Joe Pesci, Sam O’Lina Gnocchi (inventor of gnocchi), and Irving R Shyster.

Ask another question and I’ll hit you with my car-j.

by R-Dave September 23, 2020

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