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World Wrestling Federation International Superstar Smash Hit Megastar Style

Otherwise known as WWFISSHM style:
Before reaching climax (in any orifice) you must carry out every devestating wrestling move known to man, pin her, win the count and do an impression of the entire crowd cheering you on and then slap her and go to sleep.

1:What happened to xxxxx at the party last night? She came out in a wheelchair!
2:Yeah my buddy xxxxx carried out a wwfisshm (World Wrestling Federation International Superstar Smash Hit Megastar Style) on her.

by Steven Redknapp October 2, 2007

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more internationale debate points

internatiole debate points are awarded to a person once they participate in some international English debating contests and even if they didn't win anything, they can still beg the teacher for more internationale debate points resulting in the teacher being forced to award some internatiole debate points to the participant. This technique is often used when in need for a couple more points when writing a test or an essay.
people who beg for more internationale debate points usually have a very strange accent, and are complete nerds trying to show off or trying to look very smart so they get a better grade.

The first time term "more internationale debate points" was used was in an English contest in Lithuania, when a person, shortly NR (it stands for his full name letters), begged the teacher for more internationale debate points so he would get through to the next round, although he was really really bad at speaking English. The teacher, sadly, was forced into giving him more internationale debate points and he ended up representing the school as the leader in the city contest.

A : teacher pl0x i be in debate contest pl0x give me more internationale debate points

B : well I guess I'm forced to now.
A : yes teacher pls I'm very good @ English I really want that big point (in his accent it would sound like this : yes techar pls im veri giud at englosh i rel want thet big pont

by Debate point begger March 16, 2018

Journée internationale du Sexe

C’est la journée internationale du sexe le 30 mai! Vous pouvez avoir des relations sexuels avec n’importe quelle personne. Si vous êtes mariées, en couple ou autres vous devez le faire avec votre partenaire.

Fred: Salut! Vien on baise chez moi!
Anna: Ew non! Je ne sais même pas tu es qui!
Fred: C’est la journée internationale du sexe...
Anna: Ah oui desoler! On va chez toi tout de suite?
Fred: Mais oui !

by Johnnyyyy123456789 May 25, 2019

International Devolve Day

International Devolve Day, on the first of February, you must act like a monkey.

"Tom started acting like a monkey, little did I know it was devolve Day."

International Devolve Day - A day where you MUST act like a monkey.

by Crapposter February 1, 2022

internal shower

A bizarre practice where by one person squirts lemon juice into the anus of another person when said person is suffering from a hangover.

I felt so hungover yesterday, I had to ask my husband to give me an internal shower.

by Theteacher001 July 26, 2019

internalized ableism

It’s not funny, so look it up on Google.

Me (a wheelchair bound man): I’m disabled and I hate myself.
Google: You have internalized ableism.

by June 6, 2024

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International Sexual Freedom Day

International Sexual Freedom Day is held upon the 21th of February, a week after Valentine's Day. During this day people celebrate their freedom to choose and define their sexualities.

Many celebrate this day with their partners however it is common for others to engage in sexual activities with those they're comfortable with. These activities can be, but are not limited to, sexual intercourse, sexting, the sending of nude imagery.

"Hi! Are you engaging with International Sexual Freedom Day? If so would you do it with me?"

by TheMakerOfHolidays February 20, 2022