When your laughing so hard, so no sound comes out and you just sit there laughing like a retarded seal
Laughing...but no sound comes out
A pity laugh but for a joke that is so bad it makes you physically ill.
Sorry dude that joke was so bad you only got potty laughs last night, yeah not even pity but potty laughs.
Only extremely old wrinkly people use this emoji
If u are 20 and younger and u use this emoji u much be an old bitch undercover
*Says something funny*
*Types laughing emoji*🤣🤣🤣🤣- old person
The fake laugh that someone does to force the other one to laugh along with them. It usually comes immediately after the joke.
Bob sent Bobby into a frenzy when he hit an inducement laugh.
When you wake up and the first thing you do is go on urbandictionary for word of the day, the best alternative ritual to your daily news readings to make you laugh.
Person 1:" Man the news is full of bad apples."
Person 2: " You should try to Wake-and-laugh, go on urbandictionary for word of the day as soon as you wake up."
when someone who has bronchitis laughs, and it turns into a dry, cruchy wheeze
A: Have you seen Jerome? His laugh is so damn crunchy.
B: Jerome's crunchy laugh sounds like a refrigerator making ice.