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MAX jack

The act of riding on Portland's MAX lightrail without purchasing and/or validating a ticket. Honest riders often forced into MAX jacking by out-of-order ticket dispensers and/or validator machines.

The Rockwood validator was out of ink, so I had to MAX jack it all the way to Beaverton.

by Sophie Osborn April 14, 2007

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Max Richarding it

Talking in appealing high pitched voice when somewhat nervous. A boyish charm.

Brian: Man, Dick, you sure seemed nervous around Molly.
Dick: Yea, i really was Max Richarding it, wasn't I.

by thrid_wheel_on_a_unicycle February 15, 2010

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Max Ammo

it means when someone fat is huge enough to be called max ammo, because they eat to much

Guy 1: Hey bro, you are max ammo.

Guy 2: Im not max ammo fuckin hippo

by Oceanwaves45892 March 20, 2023

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Max Ammo

Introduction and Design: The Max Ammo is a power up in Call of Duty: Zombies. It looks like an opened box of ammo with some bullets. The power up first appeared in Call of Duty: World at War on the map Nacht der Untoten.

Function: Picking up this power up will refill every player's reserve ammo. In later installments, it also refills the current magazine.

Drop Chances: The drop chance truly depends on the map. Whenever a zombie does, it may drop a power up. The power up it drops is also random. The max ammo is rarer than all other drops, at least, it feels like it.

Hellhound Rounds (a summary): A bunch of our new dog models based on real world army dogs spawn in on a certain round, rekt them all for free max ammo.

Obligatory Random Meme: Once I see you, I know everything will be ok. *insert image of max ammo here*

only took 4 fucking rounds to get a max ammo

by EnderSender April 14, 2022

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max harlan

The optimization of a fuck boy. Always making jokes surrounding "eat my ass", and the occastinal "fucking your mom". Also consistently achieves a 0.01 GPA at Hopkins High School in Hopkins, Minnesota.

idiot ethan max harlan

by EMR976751 February 16, 2014

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max brimer

YouTuber with over 30k Subscribers. Kind hearted and He knows how to intertain an audience. He has an overall great personality.

Max Brimer is a dope YouTuber

by Fortnite beastmode December 31, 2018

Max The Elf

An erotic femboy videogame in which you must avoid lustful femboys and if you get caught you lose.

Me: Have you heard of Max The Elf?
You: Not yet!

by AverageSexEnjoyer December 21, 2022

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