Illahee is a school in Federal Way, Washington. The school was made in the late 70s and was Decatur High School before it turned into Illahee. The school some teachers that just don't give a care, and if they do, they only do for a few years then they start to think they are wasting their life. Some teachers have been there for 30+ years who are actually really cool and are people you will remember for the rest of your life. People like Tom Eilertson, Frank Wood, Randy Kemman, and Carrie Heck just to name a few. Illahee's student population fluctuates around 800-850 people and serves as a 5-8. The school has a minority student enrollment which fluctuates between 75-83% which is extremely high if compared to schools around the country
Illahee Middle School- an average to below-average school for academics and a top percentage school for sports
"How is Illahee always #1 in track and wrestling? I just don't know how they do it!"
"Illahee sucks, someone decides to pull the fire alarm at least once a month!"
A roach infested school in Henry county that needs to be shut down. The teachers are ugly and mean and act like they have a problem doing their job. The principal is dumb and he smells like broken cigarettes. Overall the Worst school ever!!!
You got to Austin Road Middle?
Hell nah!
A place where either your extremely gay or a sports highlighter kid in the closet with internalized homophobia. You probably also wonder why we have weird team names.
Gms(Groton middle school) has a teacher named Mr.Larrow who dosn’t like me
A school where teachers complain about you speed walking in a empty hallway, food tastes like shit, and grass is a higher priority then kids
Idk add me on discord Lj#2679 (safety harbor middle school)
A school where everyone is rude. And the Spanish teacher doesn’t know how to teach and has been to Italy once. And the janitor likes to harass kids with a trash can and a rag.
Mabry middle school is no bueno
trent middle school dumb as hell. the drama is stupid and everyone at the school knows it. the bathrooms are juul rooms even though everyone gets caught. every guy is an asshole and every girl shows off their tits so their boyfriend doesn’t cheat on them. it’s run by dumb fucks who don’t know how to do their job and everyone hates them. fuck you jeff
hey what school do you go to?
uh... trent middle school
damn. i feel bad for you.
Columbiana middle school is a stupid school with bitches and many hoes. A lot of drama happens their. Especially stupid drama. If you go to this school you will probably get made fun of a lot. You will also get offered vapes or juuls. Many of the kids are rednecks and preppy kids. Also, don’t get on the principals nerves.
Person 1: what’s columbiana middle school
Person 2: a middle school with stupid kids and drama
Person 1: ohhhh okay, I’m not going their.