The THICCEST girl you’ll ever meet
Damn Morgan Kinloch u thicc girl
A colossal individual, commonly known as Morgan, who not only casts an imposing shadow but also has a penchant for hosting farty parties, where the air is thick, not with laughter but with farts.
Big Morgan came to the club, and released the largest farty party in the block. It really attracted people, mainly for the smell.
Someone who is always confused about their gender has no life and probably has that one thing you swore that you had just seen on the table.
God damnit Morgan Barry!
Nickname for a horrible lacrosse player also known as a flopper or a wuss
For example:
- if you fall to the ground and cry for no reason during a lacrosse game then u are Emily Morgan.
- if every team that plays you does not like you then you must be Emily Morgan
- If you have no friends and cuss people out then you are Emily Morgan.
Lax player 1: “look there is Emily Morgan”
Lax player 2: “what a wuss”
Lax player 3: “I get second hand embarrassment from Emily Morgan”
Piers Morgan Bingo is a highly intellectual game that is played by the most intelligent of our society.
It involves a bingo grid with phrases that Piers Morgan has said recently.
Thank you Piers Morgan! That's another off the Piers Morgan Bingo list!
Morgan is a shy and smart girl but also is very slutty and is very horny for Mexican dick every night and wants it in every hole and usually lives men named nick,Mathew, and Miquel. If you know a Morgan Boyd take advantage now rape if have to.
Morgan: can I hold your pencil
Boy: get onyour knees first
Morgan Boyd: hell yeah
is an alcoholic beverage contains a mixture of ice tea (50%) and captain morgan rum (50%). Served chilled.
Dick: hey Am! Would you like to have another ice tea morgan?
Amber: Sure