Is that Nate Miguel? I heard he bangs treeshes in the two-seat.
Going to sleep, sleeping so hard, your basically knocked out
Person 1: I'm going Nate Nate, see ya bro
Person 2: You too bro
1)Nate Nate- when someone takes an L so bad that they get slumped
2)Nate Nate - when you are feeling tired or drowsy.
1) I'm about to go, Nate Nate,
2)jack " I'm tired" Tyler "go to Nate Nate"
A funny mean roblox youtuber who quit for no reason who was friends with a bunch of people.
Person 1 : I broke your favorite thing!
His fans: Oh, Casual Nate has always been broken.
The most funniest roblox player ever but can also be rude. Casual Nate seems to appear a roblox youtuber who uploads about drama on roblox and scams.
Person 1: Is that casual nate?
Person 2: Yep! The meanest funniest roblox player!
When you say you will bet on something but then dance around the confirmation. Later when you lose you deny that the bat ever was made.
Quit being a Hanging Nate Craig! Do we have a bet or not?
very normal white boy, tall plays soccer and drums. ✨SKINNY✨. has nice hands, interesting style. likes to dress up in fairy costumes and has a pink room with decorative snow globes. has around 6 sweatshirts but NEEDS MORE. Sum...interesting sense of humor. tends to like brunette tan, average height women. accidentally dated a trump supporter (yikes) may or may not look good in a toga. and has the juiciest most VOLUPTUOUS FATTEST FUCKING ASS YOU WILL ever SEE IN YOURE LIFE🤝 he thicker than ur aunt tessie after quarantine. 😎speechless. period pooh. he’s a king, and is a thiqk boody judy who calls jordan’s and khaki shorts a “fit” luv u nate:)
omg he’s got a fucking hugebit ties and ass i bet his name is nate linn.