Source Code

Person 1

When people are making people to make a example for their word on urban dictionary.

Person 2:Person 1 does this then person 2 says the word

by Gokan April 8, 2019

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bad Person

Bad person is somebody who kicks a cat or doesn't say thank you at the shop counter when they receive there recite.

IISythee: *Kicks cat*

Creamy0_0: "You're a bad person"

by IISythee (Roblox) March 29, 2018

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Birthing person

The best kinds of people in this world. If you're a birthing person, know that you're awesome!

Bertha is a birthing person who gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to a non-birthing person who fucked yo mom!

by Obv troll is obvious December 18, 2022

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Tree Person

A member of a large group of social outcasts whom identify with the lowest common denominator of counter culture movements. Members of this group regularly shop at Hot Topic clothing stores. A typical tree person can be identified by baggy jnco jeans or black pants that fit two or more people and display reflective straps. The most common haircut is the shave-under w/ponytail, although self-cut hair that is dyed poorly in many random colors is also accepted. T-shirts range from Slipknot, Disturbed, and Korn to Eminem, Insane Clown Posse, and the always clever "Can't Sleep Clowns Will Eat Me..." styles. Other identifying marks can be eyebrow rings, bad tattoos, pizza-face crater acne, and a poorly put together appearance. They are loosely affiliated with other subcultures ie: punk, goth, metal etc. but are never truly accepted in these circles.

The bastard stepchildren of punk, metal, new wave etc.

"Nice trenchcoat and Disturbed t-shirt kid, what a tree person."

by ReAnimator December 7, 2006

18πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Internet personality

The personality of a person who spends the majority of there life on the Internet. They are Socially inept, are terribly depressing to be around and all of them have depression. They are everywhere, yet they think they are special because they are still in the childish narcissistic mindset.
Do keep in mind, they have personalities underneath all the meme references. One must get to know them to find out who they really are, but all of them are the same on the surface.
The only cure for this personality is friendship and Zoloft.

George: hey , Mark, wanna chill with Jess?

Mark: nuh, last time I chilled with Jess he wouldn't stop calling me a weeb for watching death note. After every one of my sentences he just came back at me with a meme reference.

George: yeah, Jess has an Internet personality, nevermind.

by Gingerblue July 6, 2017

24πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Internet Personality

when someone is a totally different person when they are on the internet than they are in real life. the personality that they are on the internet is their Internet Personality

that girl is mean and argumentative in real life, but her Internet Personality, she gets along with everybody.

by 50% Cat August 9, 2011

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

flirty personality

someone who has absolutely no self control and no respect for others in a relationship or even for their own relationship

person 1: can you stop flirting with my boyfriend? person 2: i’m not flirting that’s just my flirty personality. person 1: oh no honey you are just a piece of shit that can’t keep your hands to yourself.

by angela virgo May 19, 2019

26πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž