Another term for Marijuana. Use when you wanna talk about it infront of someone who you are not sure aproves of it.
Guy: Hmmm. Look at the time (4:20). Looks like The Lost Product is about to be found.
When you loose something in your room
Where are your keys anna? I anna lost them agin.
The art of minimizing stress by an uncontrolled amount of procrastination whilst maximizing alcohol intake, without developing an addiction to it.
"Damn I wished i could bool out of control without getting lost in the sauce smh.."
"to lose one's mind" is an epigram meaning the subject whose mind was lost is thinking and/or behaving irrationally or inappropriately
With multiple daily conflicts with you, you couldn't give me a break one time, but the one time the tables are turned, you expect me to give you a break? You've lost your mind.
The state of being unable to close your anus after losing your anal virginity.
A: Wow, are you sure you're okay? You've been going to the toilet a lot.
B: It's nothing, I just got my relic lost, it'll heal.
When a picture's outstanding resolution blinds a graphic artist to any other possible faults with the image. Likely to happen to even the best of them when presented with beautiful high-res images.
Yeah, the picture needed to be color corrected and brightened, I just got lost in the res man.