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big dan

A strong, bold, sassy, smart woman: usually a shorter version of the name Danielle.

"Big Dan is amazing, she got her BA while being a single mom!"
"She's a big dan, look at all those guys staring at her!"

by K-dizz-in-da-hizz April 27, 2008

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Dan Marino

Term given to someone who possesses no jewlery.

Since Marino never won a superbowl, he doesnt have a superbowl ring.

Can also be used to describe an older single woman.

"That fool is broke, he's Dan Marino"
"That chick doesnt have a ring on that finger, she's a Dan Marino"

by Mo Meta April 25, 2006

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Dirty dan

When you shit in your hand then finger a girl

She's a freak bro she even let me give her a dirty dan.

by Matts a mud cracker November 29, 2016

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Dan Desmond

A fucking lad that snorts beers and drinks bongs and drives trucks. Cranks 90s on your sister

Ay I heard Dan Desmond blungeoned a kid with an axe

by jordanlindemannsson December 2, 2021

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Dan Levy

Foppish guy who will work in plumbing one day.

Mate he’s destined to be a dan levy. It’s nominatively determined.

by Thomasbutler16 October 22, 2020

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Capn Dan

The hoopiest of froods. The epitome of super fucking awesomeness. A hyperbole to end all hyperboles.

WOW! Capn Dan sure is Capn Dan!

by Capn Dan September 8, 2008

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Pull a Dan

Pulling a Dan occurs when someone pulls a prank on someone else. When the person is pranked so badly that they cannot do anything, they tell their mother. The mother then goes to contact the mother of the pranker, with the pranker getting in trouble. Hence the term, "Pulling a Dan".

Prankee: Ah, I wish I could get revenge on that person who pranked me, but I am not clever enough. Oh, I know! I'll just Pull a Dan!

*Calls mother of Pranker

*Pranker gets grounded

by Jose6969696969ssdfasdf April 6, 2011

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