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Political favoritism

When an individual chooses to favor to political party and or ideology over all of the other ones, which tends to lead them naïve and inconsiderate when trying to address a wide variety of political and social issues.

It is not uncommon for poorly educated people to have political favoritism, because they assume that the political party they support is right usually on many issues and that the other parties tend to be wrong in their eyes. The best way to resolve this problem is to give them a better education on how the government works and what the other parties actually believe.

by Vanguard 1998 January 20, 2021

political clown

1. a person uber loyal to his/her political affiliation or regardless of wrong doing.

2. loyalty to a single politician instead of the political affiliation's cause.

1. The parties are like Batman vs Joker, they contradict each other instead of working to move forward, don't be a political clown, they're just using you as their pawn.

2. A: He is the best politician ever! I'll vote for her again.

B: She's doing it for her own good, not the good of the city. Don't fall for that non-sense. Don't be a political clown.

by ddddddd999999 June 18, 2021

polite wash

To polish, bend and/or omit the truth in order to make it more palatable to the intended audience.

Because the question is open-ended yet specific to the employee’s needs/desires, it is hard for a candidate to “polite wash” the answer so that it fits what they think you want to hear.

by Too Fat to Be an Assassin June 4, 2018

Polite shuffle

When you and another person come up to a path (like an intersection, a doorway, or a narrow hallway) where only one person can go, and you politely tell them to “go ahead” and they say “no, no, you go ahead” and then you both wait, and then go at the same time thinking that the other person will not concede, and you repeat this at least one more time.

Two drivers pull up to opposite sides of a 4-way stop at the same time. One is turning left, the other is going straight. The person going straight signals to left turn person to “go ahead”, while at the same time, the person turning left signals to the person going straight to “go ahead”. They signal back and forth and then wait, and eventually concede at the same time. They laugh and repeat the polite shuffle at least once more.

by LogicMonkey March 22, 2024

Politically extinct

A: When an individual or group ceases all political activity and never becomes politically active again
B: A situation where a particular political ideology or party has so little support that it is seldom mentioned or discussed in political interactions; regardless of whether those interactions are held in public or in private

An example of a political party that is politically extinct is the Whig Party. It began going extinct in the early 1850s while trying to recover from the presidency of Franklin Pierce. It was trying to form platform to run on in future elections, but they were unable to form an effective platform and over time they began losing large amounts of support to the point at which the party eventually collapsed.

by Vanguard 1998 July 2, 2021

Politically oriented

What you absolutely shouldn't be when you claim to a US national sport past time.

The MLB right now should drive yourself away and not be arsed about being politically oriented. Rob Manfred the MLB commissioner should worry about his bottom line not the things he's currently upset about.

by Sexydimma April 18, 2021

politely evil

Having a sweet and innocent demeanor while being a total dick

She was being so politely evil that I didnt know whether to cry or laugh.

by Mysters Mizzes July 9, 2020