When a lady is sitting with her legs crossed and she farts, the fart continues up the lips and exits by the bean. It shall make a 'queef noise'.
Katie was eating kale chips on the couch and let a fart-queef out.
When you're going down on her and she's so fucking dry, you choke and cough out dust!
She was so fucking fucking dry I coughed up a cinammon queef!
When you fart out of your vagina so much that your loins become tender and irritated.
I have a serious case of Queef Tenderloin right now. Do you have any baby powder?
When a fart follows your ass crack forward into your vagina. A specific periscope fart that only affects women.
I was sitting down and my fart became a backdraft queef and I had to refart my fart.
A mythical stroke of luck. It is small and unlikely but something that you know happens, you just aren’t very likely to see it.
Synonyms are “unicorn shit”; “fairy farts”
Geoff’s was going through a hard a time, but as all his friend know, he always walks through hummingbird queef.
A busy gal who spends most of everyday pulling on labias to the point they resemble low hanging curtains....but more like a "meat" curtain, if you will. These hanging pieces of flesh are easily and often aroused as they get a rush of vibration from the nearby vulva expelling trapped gas, similar to what happens with an anus minus the feces scent and do add the tuna fish spoiled cannery left outside a month scent instead.
My Grandma taught courses back in the 1950s at high school. It was girls only and she taught bad habits to avoid doing as young lady adults. The most attention went to the absolute need to not become a QUEEF ADDICT, as the husband is already stressed that he has to spend his life mounting a huge volcano of matted hair pie when the reproducing goes on.
The act of expelling pressurized air through one’s vagina so forcefully that the queefer is lifted off the ground through basic training one can even achieve flight though you must be pantless
Oh God Sherrie you can take me to Mexico with your queef levitation.
Britney you will go to queef levitation class or no dinner.