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Mr Random Content

A YouTube channel with random videos just like it's name. Mainly consists of edits and other random content.

Sam - Who's the best YouTuber

Me - Mr random content

by Mr Random Content June 4, 2023

Dirt random

Someone you've never heard of, see before, or know.

Hey, do you know who that guy is?

No, that's a dirt random.

by Ricardo357 July 26, 2024

random scale

The Random Scale or, The R.R. System is the measure of how random to Right a person is. On a line scale, the middle point is neutral. The other end on the left is Random, and the space between the neutral and the random is "neutral random". On the right of Neutral, is the "Right" ppl. Between the Right and the neutral is "neutral Right". (see eg.1 for a better understanding..)
Random Ppl can have a level of seriousness. They they move slowly up the scale but still maintain a level of randomness.
When right ppl attempt to be random, then the scale swtiches! This is called The Switch

Random person:..i have a pineapple...and it is pink..=D
Right person: ..Rigggghhhht
(By saying a random coment to someone, u can determine wether they are random or right by their answer)

by *WiCkeD* March 22, 2005

random = funny

a thing that's kinda a rule in the internet. it's when you say something random in some conversation or literally anywhere.

aaron: look a chicken with two heads that look like a dick! HAHAHAHA RANDOM = FUNNY!!!!!!!

rational person: nobody laughed.

by rk092 December 26, 2023

random words be like


random words be like

by caddy21 October 3, 2022

A word that is random

It means a random wod with is more randum that randome. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMME. You've get eat it u got eat.


Feet are so A word that is random.
I know right a can't believe how A word that is random thy are.
bro I cant believe those shoes are so insanely A word that is random.

by unavailable is unavailable November 27, 2020

a random sstgyt

stupid divorced guy, never good at any game can organize chests in minecraft4

Guy: your dumb
A random sstgyt: i am

by Zenify May 15, 2021