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Son of a whore house

Someone who is born in a brothel with which the mother is not know.

Christian mother did not come home tonight again what a son of a whore house

by lolitasmile February 26, 2011

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Easy Up Son

A phrase used by a North Dakota kid way to much. This is a phrase that is way over used and is the only come back he knows.

"Easy Up Son" he thinks he came up with this word so if anyone has heard it else where let me know

by Jordan Hess September 4, 2008

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Ryan the Husky Son

A turd burglar who duct-tapes flip-flops to cats.

You'll rue the day you duct-taped a flip-flop to Mittens, Ryan the Husky Son!

by Thatdudewiththeshovel December 5, 2017

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punk-ass son of a bitch

Somebody who really pisses you off, bitches constantly, and is also a prick.

1: Wow, that person never shuts up about his car.
2: Yeah, that guy is one punk-ass son of a bitch.

by Phoenix0083 August 6, 2007

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Kim Jong Un’s Son

The half critic korean kid who bangs the launch missile button twenty times a day still pissed that it won’t work

Half Credit: WWW.COMPASS

Holy shit my asian friend is Kim Jong Un’s Son!

by Fishnuggets66 May 11, 2023

Son of a Protestant Pig Fucker

When a small inconvenience effects a Catholic life

I just stubbed my toe you son of a Protestant Pig fucker

by High King Brosef October 27, 2019

straight shootin son of a gun

as used in the song by Three Dog Night, Joy to the World.

You know I love the ladies, love to have my fun, I'm a high life flyer and a rainbow rider. a straight shootin son of a gun ...

by Rainbow Rider July 7, 2023