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heavy talking

When the 2 people like each other but don't want want any one to know about them

Amy and Jack like to have a heavy talking conversation

by Kingslickkk April 7, 2018

Pickle Talk

When old friends share a conversation over a jar of pikles, commonly known as Pickle Talk.

"Well Chloe and I were having a nice long Pickle Talk in the kitchen when we were interupted by a loud bang coming from the laundry"

by Benny Jett December 16, 2011


When girls talk shite about boys.

Damn, the girls twig-talk about me!”

by catrec October 17, 2017

talking grown

Something southerners say whenever a Kid/Teen actually sounds smart and uses proper grammar, instead of talking like a dumb southerner.

Billy Bob: Y'all it was the dumbest thing I ever did see!

Child: Well, you know, I had a fun experience there, too-
Billy Bob: Hey. no one was talkin' to you! Don't be talking grown, ya hear me! This is grown people conversation!

by KennywoodMemories January 31, 2019

Hype talking

The opposite of shit-talking. Complimenting or praising people behind their backs, usually friends.

Justin: Dude, I fucking love Chris. That kid is awesome, he's got the sickest accent and he can hang for days.
George: Damn, you hype talk this kid so much, I gotta meet him!
Justin: Hype talking?
George: You know, th opposite of shit talking!

Tony: I fucking hate Joe man, he's such a prick.
Bo: Stop talking shit all the time, George is always talking hype about you

by jchiu1030 July 10, 2015

date talk

Penis love

We should date talk

by AaKdjdjsmDkDkdkd May 6, 2016

track talk


That’s nothing but track talk.

by Miss Garcia February 9, 2021