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the wolf of wall street

A movie that does not contain any wolves. 0/10 IGN

Fred went to see the Wolf of Wall Street, expecting wolf-on-wolf action. He was sorely disappointed.

by NotACat February 9, 2015

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wolf tail

The tapered end of the turd - resembling a wolf's tail.

I took a 8 inch shit today, and that didn't even include the wolf tail.

by hairy areola December 13, 2010

2๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

hungry like the wolf

being extremely horny and lusting after women because you haven't gotten any in a long time

Man I haven't gotten any in forever, I'm just hungry like the wolf.

by boxybrown154 November 5, 2008

56๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irish Wolf Terrier

The ultimate midsize Irish designer dog. Kicks Irish Setter ass! Started by Ozzie Nelson (the vet) by artificially inseminating a female Irish Wolfhound with the sperm from a male Irish Terrier. They are 50-70 pounds, smart, athletic, and are extremely friendly, but, if anyone messes with you, they have a great instinct for single leg takedowns, by grabbing the shoes or pantlegs, followed by covering the fallen attacker's eyes with their mouth. Usually followed by attacker pissing their pants. Fast, effective, mark free submissions!

Last month, my Irish Wolf Terrier caught a rabbit, and brought it to me by the scruff of its neck -- unharmed. Last week, he laid on top of a Pit Bull's back, and held it by covering its eyes from above & behind. The Pit Bull had gotten in our yard and had treed my cat.

by Little Amy June 10, 2006

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snipa wolf

Someone who lives in the middle of no where and believes they are amazing at games, and pro-bound in everything they do. Better known as a redneck kid with a piggly girlfriend.

Xx Narsil xX: Dude you're not that good, stop acting like such a snipa wolf.

by White Tiger15 January 8, 2008

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wolf dingo

a wolf mixed with a dingo

hey look theres a wolf dingo! lets eat it!

by Phil Bottomer July 31, 2008

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wolf pack

a group of people usually three, consisting of a mix if girls and boys. Who are bestest friends but are all very different. They always have each others backs even when one decides to call the other a 'waffle head'. Its always pureeeeee banta between the pack and always jokes.

e.g - how did u get paint all over your face?

ahhh wolf pack tings,

by honkhonkhonky. May 15, 2011

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