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Like A Fox

A phrase used in the Military Intelligence field of the US Army to describe when someone (A 35F) has stolen a 35H/G/S's hard work and used it as their own to gain merit within their unit. Used to refer to a person of ill refute.

35H: Dude, did you see that douche's brief?

35G: Yeah, he totally used that product you made last week, and made it off as his.

35H: Man, he screwed me over bad, Like A Fox

by RyanRhino19 January 28, 2011

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Fox lane

A school where kids are themselves and are diverse in many ways.

I love Fox Lane more than any other school

by Awesometruths76 February 12, 2018

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Fox lane

A diverse school district with many kids who feel it’s ok to be themeselves. While it’s a public school it’s worth it to attend at Fox lane. There are sweet and inclusive friend groups throughout the school’s many grades along with amazing and caring teachers.

Person one: I love fox lane, I wish you would go there too!
Person two: I know me too, I hate John Jay! I can’t believe my parents think that school is any better!

by Awesometruths76 March 27, 2018

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like a fox

A saying that can be added on to practically anything, or used on its own. It can be positive or negative, sarcastic or serious, can also have hidden meanings, which usually are not noticed due to the common usuage of the phrase. The term 'like a fox' first appeared on The Simpsons, when the Homer said "stupid like a fox."

"Damn, when did you get to be so smart?"
"Smart like a fox!"

"Your intelligence astounds me."
"Like a fox!"

by Katy December 26, 2003

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Fox Shock

A sexual act involving the insertion of two fingers (index and middle) of one hand in the female's vagina, while placing a third finger (pinky) of the same hand in the anus. Named after an Oregon State graduate who developed the maneuver in high school, unaware that there was already a name for the move.

She was expecting the usual finger bang, but let out a squeal when I gave her the Fox Shock.

by GoldyD15 January 26, 2010

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Fox tail

Stand naked with your legs shoulder width apart, start pelvic thrusting so that your wiener rhythmically flops up and down, and on its downward decent you close your legs while simultaneously bending over thus trapping your penis in a manner that resembles a fox tail protruding from between your legs.

Each morning Kyle would start his day listening to Rick Astley and seeing how many fox tails he could catch.

by MoistCheese December 21, 2016

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Lucious Fox

Arguably the most badass person on the planet. If you thought the comics were about Batman, you'd be wrong. They were about Lucious Fox. A man I try to be like more and more every day

Man, I wish I was as dope as Lucious Fox

by notmyactualnamethatdbesilly December 12, 2014

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