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Um it’s you think it’s a rooter toot but it is a rooter toot but um the rooter toot goes out and it splats

I sharted in my pants!

by Whoaaadere September 8, 2023


Shart is when you shit and fart and the same time

Shart is when gou fart and shit at the same time you shart

by CROPTICBOT July 5, 2021


accidentally pooping/shitting out of your ass/butt when you force a fart

bruh i'm about to shart

by ieatsharts November 28, 2024


Fart+Shit= when you fart and a little dingleberry falls out of your asshole.

Did you hear that Emily sharted in her towel in the locker room?

by ...leanne July 6, 2021


When you need to say the work shi* but there are kids/a kid around, so you substitute shi* with shart.

“Oh shart, I stubbed my toe!

by July 20, 2024


An unintentional defecation that occurs during the relaxation of the anal sphincter to pass flatulence. It can occur as hard fecal matter but most commonly occurs as diarrhoea. Sharting can also refer to diarrhoea itself, especially the explosive variation.

The word shart is a mix of the words "Shit" and "Fart" which are both slang words for feces and flatulence respectively.

Person 1: I just sharted
Person 2: Ok
Person 1: Shart

by Why'd you search this up? August 20, 2023


when some animal cant control their ass hole and when they let it rip a bit of shit comes out with it

I like to shart as i step through the door

by That one b!tch. November 5, 2022