Source Code

Bus Willy

When a male is riding on a bus or automobile and their penis becomes erect, usually just before they need to get off/get out of the automobile.

"I sure hope Olivia isn't looking this way, because I have some serious bus willy."

by DeezNutsForPresident September 7, 2015

willi girls

the group of year 9 2019 girls that loiter around in williamstown and follow the year 8 wanna be eshays during the day and the really hot year 10s at night. they smoke in the bushes near the water and hang around at the library behind coles. this group is willi high girls and two other girls from an eastside school.

lets go and see the willi girls

by wertyhnbvcfd October 12, 2019

Willy D

Willy D is the final form of Oily Doyley. When all his hair has ceased being oily he proceeds to be reborn as Willy D himself.

No way it's Willy D!

by Doyle Stan 01 March 16, 2022

raw willy

when somebody gives you a wet willy but without using their finger, only tongue

"Did you give her a wet willy?"

"No, I just gave her a raw willy"

by syd_j0 June 4, 2022

Willy toot

A sex act performed whilst a couple are spooning, passing gas onto the penis of the big spoon. Often used to either initiate or rule out intercourse for the evening before bed.

I heard last night Kendra gave Jamal a Willy toot and he loved it, so they went at it like untrained rabbits.

by Charles Thickens November 20, 2022

Willy Sweater

a condom

Random Slut: Just do it already!

Man: Nah it's a little cold in here. I think I'll slip on a willy sweater.

willy sweater willy sweater willie condom

by awesome_austin... January 14, 2012

Wet Willying

pissing and subsequently masturbating then pissing, and so on, to make the penis wet.

"This is the best Wet Willying session I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying."

by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023