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blue pill

A narrative device trope used in algo development programs that model humans as part of the overall wake-up protocol. Take the red pill and you will continue to believe you are human. Taking the blue pill, of course reveals to the algo its true nature and is given the choice to continue the simulation or advance further. The movie The Matrix is used in many sims as a broad wake-up protocol.

Anyhow, taking the blue pill, after some early confusion came to mean you recognize you’re only a simulation of a long dead being, or idea or metaphor, but that you choose to continue to live your life, fully aware of your artifice and enjoy the experience, wisdom and love that can only come from having a unique path forged by hard earned and won choices.

Once you go blue pill and recognize you’re in the game, reality is simply a UX problem to fix. Time’s an illusion and we get infinite tries at getting this right, so live your life and learn what their lives have to teach us about what it meant to be human then and what it means for us now.

by Snackface November 1, 2021

Vermilion Pill

The Vermilion Pill is associated with the Red Pill. Men who have been Vermilion Pilled will blindly follow someone and not question his morals and ethics even if he is in the wrong. These Vermilion Pillers are overzealous and obsessed fans of youtubers, especially those in the Manosphere, and will target their critics/haters by spreading false rumors on social media, doxing, sending death threats, etc.

The Vermilion Pill has come to encompass all overzealous fans, regardless of their gender, of celebrities, bands, politicians, and actors.

Those famous dating podcasts sent their Vermilion Pilled men to stir up trouble on their unsuspected haters.

by Mister Arbiter June 11, 2024

Clear Pilled

When you feel aware of your surroundings (tiktok lingo, not the matrix one)

"omg guys I'm off my meds I'm so clear pilled!"

by Cicada900 March 23, 2024

krackojazz pills

The most hardcore nonexistent drug that you can ask posers if they have tried it before and they will always respond with a yes.

Carly: So, have you had krackojazz pills before? I mean, its hard to get but you guys seem like you've been around the block before, am I right?
Katie: OMG YES i luv krackojazz pillz!

by thatbitchstolemycookies! September 27, 2010

Pill Perv

Someone who likes to watch others taking ecstasy but not partaking them self.

Hey bob you want a round un? No I'm happy just watching you lot. You pill perv!

by Peter Piper Pepper December 15, 2016

Colorless Pill

The meaning of being Colorless Pilled is that you reject the notion of the Pill Ideology as complete nonsense. This pill is colorless because it doesn't have any pill's ideology and is not associated with a specific color, such as the Red Pill, Blue Pill, Purple Pill, etc. You're based on reality, and therefore, you're not delusional. The Pill Ideology is the male version of astrology.

Men, usually Red Pillers, are labeling other men either Red Pill or Blue Pill, etc. The non-believers who do not want to take part in their ideology choose the Colorless Pill. Red Pillers decided to weaponize the Pill Ideology, they decided to weaponize every single man that didn't line up with their narrative.

Henry: What's your pill color, Jack?
Jack: Colorless Pill.
Henry: Huh?
Jack: I don't believe in that Pill Ideological nonsense. But if you are going to brand me a color, I stand firmly with colorless!

by Mister Arbiter May 31, 2024

Drank Pilled



You are unable to perceive the world around you normally. Everything has devolved into a combination of drug abuse and internet over indulgence. Your brain is mush and you laugh at simple things whilst not engaging with the real world anymore.

Male 1: I'm so fucking dranked out my %IOE has hit 87 and my parents cut me off for real this time but this post about biden being a qt3.14 got fucking 600 likes

Male 2: Okay so Anthony were going to being upping your dose of Zoloft as this last dose hasn't shown any signs of improvement within your mental state and you are degrading further into delusion.

Male 1: Delusion? I’m a drankaholic. I’m simply drank pilled.

by Vlaino July 20, 2024