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Third Wheel

Third wheeling is the act of socializing with a couple, often as an unwanted, unnecessary third person. This can often be related to adding a third wheel on a garbage can: unnecessary for your trash.

Katie was the third wheel on Jen and Kyle's date.

by mack29739 December 23, 2015

Third Wheel

The person in a group of people (usually two, though sometimes more) who is most often left out of things.

The third wheel is usually there for one of two reasons - to act as a mediator, such as with a couple, or to be the "convenience friend" when nobody else is there to hang.

Third wheels are not normally forcefully excluded from activities, but they're not usually invited or informed about them either.

Not to be confused with being third-wheeled.

Jim left the friend group because he was sick of being excluded as a third wheel.

by verwijder January 19, 2021

third wheel

denki kaminari-

denki is a third wheel

denki is watching kirishima and bakugo be gay, he is the third wheel

by Mha_fan December 27, 2024

Third Wheel

Usually the odd one out of the group (3 people), this person does not fit in and typically has a strong intolerance for eggs.

"Is that guy puking up eggs?"

"I bet he's a third wheeler"

by KingSlayer72 March 13, 2018

Third wheel


I tried to help him, but he's too lost to eve realize he's a third wheel

by talexirl September 14, 2022

Third wheel

Depending on the situation there's tons of ways to define what a third wheel is! A third wheel typically is person that tags along with two others, usually they are ignored or unwanted. This also can be defined as a person that serves no purpose or has no use in a situation.

She keeps tagging along on our adventures. She's just a third wheel.

We're doing all the work, why does she get to sit around and be a third wheel?

by Elijahvvx August 14, 2022

Third time's a bird rhyme

A regional version of "Third time's a charm".

I couldn't do it the first two times, but third time's a bird rhyme.

by UnderHero5 February 25, 2021