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lightly toasted cracker

Most commonly known as a description of a girl named Aily aka whore

Your not an Oreo, just a lightly toasted cracker.

by FaithfulServant26 May 22, 2017

French Toast Crunch

The delicious cereal mirroring the infamous Cinnamon Toast Crunch, discontinued in 2006 and will be remembered for its tiny sliced bread appearance.

Great tasting Cinnamon flavor and individual sliced bread pieces French Toast Crunch the taste you can see

by Eric42011 May 2, 2012

Melvin Milk Toast

A skinny whimp. can be used to either insult or describe someone.

"That Johnson boy sure is a Melvin Milk Toast"

"You can't curl 20lbs? wow, you are a melvin milk toast aren't you?"

by Ralph Littlefield February 23, 2009

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toast nar nar

when somethings so extreme and epic to the point of skeeting your jeans in public.

that trick was so toast nar nar, that i prematurely ejaculated in my jorts

by SIckJoke January 26, 2009

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French Toast Syndrome

The event that occurs when there is forecast of a storm of any kind, and everyone goes out and buys "the staples": eggs, milk, and bread, common ingredients in french toast.

Dude, Sue Simmons just announced that there was going to be 6 inches of snow, and my mom went out and got French Toast Syndrome.

by t. sofia January 12, 2009

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wet toast party

a party involving male (usually gay) who all ejaculate onto a piece of toast. Whoever shoots the smallest load has to eat it.

Scotty B had to dine on the wet toast last night, that faggot.

by Ted McCall May 3, 2004

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toasted egg-bread

A redefinition of french toast to emphasize the it is, in fact, an egg-based dish.

This morning I let my bread soak in a whole lot of egg, and then toasted it on a skillet, thereby creating toasted egg-bread.

by serunato September 5, 2009

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