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Ur brother a mother

This is not a phrase to use in light situations. Use with extreme caution

Carl: ur mom gay
Jeff:ur daddy lesbian

Carl: ur granny tranny

Jeff: ur sister a mister
Carl: ur brother a mother

*jeff turns into a pile of blood as the fabric of the universe collapses and destroys the existence of all mortal beings

by Meme pidgeon March 18, 2018

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Ur brother a mother

A more basic form of how god expelled satan from heaven.
This will instantly send a person to hell for internal surfing.

Joe: ur mom gay lol
Bob: ur dad lesbian
Joe: ur brother a mother
*the ground opens and swallows bob*

by Thecopyrightmaster March 17, 2018

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ur dog log

After all the urs, this one is one of the most terrifying. โ€œur dog logโ€ is to only be used if thereโ€™s no more hope.

joe: I didnโ€™t think itโ€™d come to this..
John: wait-no-joe
Joe: ur dog log
John: soul leaves existence and everything is abolished

by Alossissea March 28, 2018

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Ur sister is a Mr

The only thing strong than ur granny a tranny. When said it disrupts the fabric of reality

Jonny say Ur granny tranny.

You say ur sister is a Mr.

Jonny fuckin dies.

by Lord of SoundCloud March 14, 2018

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ur mom fat

yonder รชow reordian tรดhwon epistol fรฆt fatu oรฐ รชow fricca cyning

Hey u suck at roblox and ur mom fat

by YonderSquat July 9, 2018

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ur a poopo head

the person that told you this is ether a 9 year old or a guy with a good sense of humor

guy comes up to some one:" ur mom gay "

other guy : "ur a poopo head "

by the grate philosopher November 18, 2020

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ur brother bi

Worse that ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian and even ur granny tranny.

Everytime this is said, our solar system moves closer to the black hole in the middle if the milky way galaxy.

Jon: ur mom got the big gay
Johnny: Oh YEAH?
Johnny: ur brother bi
(The solar system is engulfed by the huge black hole)

by TheMaster307 March 12, 2018

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