When you smile big showing your teeth with bottom jaw extended animalistic. Showing pure emotion. Preferred to take place next to somebody unexpected and in a shocking manor.
Dang it, Jeremy got me with the knar face this morning.. lol made my day!
Any person whose face looks just like the face of your standard bitch. Also used to refer to someone whose face will not stop bitching or is perpetually bitchy
Person A : "Gelo is a bitch face"
Person B : "I think that Noah is a bitch face aswell"
when a person(s) is being a bitch face and will not proceed to have a positive attitude.
Jessica was being a real bitch face in class today, I wanted to fight her.
Dirty scum who think they're absolute solid manz
Billy: have you seen my new coat it's north face
Ching Chong: who solid manz is this
a process where one is punched in the face
and then drowned
coined from the song "shapeshift"
i will punch you in the mouth and then i will drown you
amphibian face lift