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The Baby Yoda Show

What the world's most favorite series, "The Mandalorian" is actually supposed to be named.

Baby Yoda is so popular. Wish they rename, "The Mandalorian" to, "The Baby Yoda Show"

by Saitama 777 December 16, 2020

Kaboo Baby!


Kaboo Baby!

by MS.M-R January 15, 2021

Cruisey Baby

Tom Cruise

If I’d known Cruisey Baby was in this I wouldn’t have been late.

by Mr Edward Honda September 8, 2022

were babies are made?

I got the answer right up my.uhhh sleeve. Ask mommy and daddy cause you dont wanna learn the hard way

mommy how are babies made?
MOM--- I JST SHIt YoU Out HahAha babies are made
tada baby made nitreallythoclickbait getter hhhahaahaahahahahahahahahahahahah

Were babies are made?

by reyrtsjhr67y24e February 25, 2021

Penis baby

Tiny penis man

You have a penis baby

by Science_Master April 20, 2021

helpless baby

The small, resinated remaining portion of a joint.
Usually, it is too small to even hold any longer- or it starts to burn one's lips.
Also known as H.B.

"Hey, do you still want to hit this little joint? Heck no! I don't want that Helpless baby"!

"This is stil burnin', you want? NO! Get that H.B out of here"!

by LADYFAWN January 31, 2006

Baby spoonie

The one that gets all thel belly rubs, kissing and cuddling before going to bed.

Selin is such a baby spoonie. I always asks for belly rubs, cuddles and kisses in middle of a night.

by YikesRebuttal January 15, 2024