A Pussy Queef Queen is someone who always Queefs loudly and is never not Queefing, when they Queef the whole world shakes. The Queefs are always loud and stinky, smells like rotten farts in a jar
James: Sara is a Pussy Queef Queen and i love it so much
When you sexing with a person for a long period of time and your finally ready to move on because their status changes
He got into a new relationship so I had to ungrandfather the pussy from him
a rad car , belonging to a male, that draws in members of the female gender
"dude i just bought this car and it's a total pussy waggon"
Tom Selleck has pleasured thousands of women with that big honkin' pussy zamboni of his.
A stinky pussy hidden beneath a big bouncing stomach
Bumpo pussy is the stinkiest of them all due to the lack of oxygen. "Look at that bumpo bounce
When you want to get to know a lady at a bar, but her friend prevents you from doing so.
John: I met this girl Jane at the bar last night, but her friend cut me off and told me she was not interested.
Joseph: Damn, you got put on pussy parole.
a asscheek with a pussy periodt