Easily the loveliest phrase on the planet! *Especially* when said by 12 year old white kids that are pretending to be black!
Intelligent and flawless white man: Holla holla get dolla!
Me: O-oh! 😳
Stop with your bullshit, lieing, or kidding. Orginated at Fayetteville State University(North Carolina) by freshmen in Harris Hall.
Yo I just saw that dude?
When you write a funny uban dictionary definition and then realize your not funny enough and or have enough tallent to get it accepted. so you try to be cool to get accepted play off of peoples pity and be being mean to yourself to get even more pitty. You then name it "this definiton won't get accepted" inorder to play off of reverse psycology and talk about what you are planning to do inorder to get accepting inorder to be meta becasue that is cool. but then you realize you need to be more meta so you are now being meta about being meta and so on to infinity.
Dude I am a failure, this definition won't get accepted.
The act of drinking large amounts of alcohol.
Lets get stanky, y'all! Someone's getting lucky!
The act of putting your mouth over the exhaust of a car and inhaling the fumes, blackening one's lungs.
"Are we getting blacked later?"
"He got totally blacked off the Ford Focus last night"
A short saying used by faded green semi drivers. The saying leads to a massive ego, which compensates for a small wee wee as a company driver.
Just blew his doors off and told him to “get minted, and to stay minty”
Basically means if you try your best, you'll succeed.
Mark: damn it! I failed my pee pee test!
Tod: You know what they say 'spankin gets you 'wankin
when Bonnie meets Clyde