The week every PV football waits for every year. The week they get to kick the cheating/lying Bettendorf Bulldogs ass
Hey bro what week is it?
“It’s dog week bro.”
Let’s fucking go bro!
Time ranging from 5 min to 4 hours
Im just down the road im 5 mins away
(he's doing a Den Dog Downer)
A pancake that turns out undesirably for human consumption (burned, undercooked, etc.) and is therefore fed to the dog.
A: Damn, I kind of burned this one
B: That’s okay, it can be a dog pancake
A person with financial or otherwise privilege acts in ANY manner they choose, simply because they are able to.
"Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can!"
"He just got that lambo...why did he get it painted like a hot wheels toy?"
"Dog-ball syndrome"
A looping video of a cute light-brown dog with a chocolate pop tart as a body that runs through space trailed by a rainbow. They're the alternate version (& sometimes rival) to Nyan cat.
If you look closely at the night sky you may see Nyan dog chasing Nyan cat.
A phrase similar to destroyed , ruined , wrecked, gg'd. Simply put, the "thing" the phrase is being directed to simply means it's done.
"look at this misses throwing up on george street, she's fucking done dog diddly done deaded