For men: Term men use to qualify when they lack of self-control front of a woman.
For women: Very insulting and dehumanizing excuse for man lack of self-control. Used sometimes as an excuse for cheat, cowardness, fast sex-oriented decisions.
Quote from men definitions "Men will do or say anything to have another taste and are continually drawn back to her even though they have broken up."
Alternative: Term to qualify the magic of women pussies. In a sense that since every human being is born from a pussy, it is to be considered somehow magic.
Today used:
"It's not my fault, she got a magic pussy"
" she is a bitch, with a magic pussy"
" Don't dare to blame anymore my magic pussy"
When the pussy so good it gets straight a's in tight/wet components.
"Aubry's pussy was so good, easily a 4.0 pussy."
Another name for a uterus. The forbidden baby walls. The sperm kingdom.
Ex 1 Hey! Give my pussy tummy back!
Ex 2 My period is coming this week and my pussy tummy wants vengeance!
Level of attractiveness to a female partner, usually influenced by a flashy item or clothing. This may also be used in a sarcastic way to signify how unattractive a mate may be based on their out of touch style or haggard belongings.
“Damn Zach got himself a 1987 Ford Tempo, pussy stocks goin up!”
The feeling you get toward someone when they always feel they need to be the center of attention.
“David’s never chill man, he’s always on some standard pussy shit.
The internal sexual organs of the female of the species, including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, etc.
Look at that hot chick over there, I’d like to punch her right in the pussy guts with my tube steak.
When a guy turns his world upside down and throws his past under a bus to be with the woman he loves..
Harry's life choices are suspect because he clearly has a royal case of pussy head.